Week 7- Art Activity- Collabor- 8
2 min readOct 12, 2020
Story: Imaginary day in the Life

- Had to start the day off with something healthy and that would fill me up

- Also had to say wassup to my duck homies.

- I also wanted to play a little bit of golf

- Having a drink of water

- getting ready to go outside so have to take my mask

- I’m about to leave and I see this weird plant

- Saw another flower on my way out

- Had to got to the beach so I can relax from this stress

- Went back home and had to eat some broccoli

- Have to work on some math homework

- I also need to listen to music to get my work done

- Went for a walk to get my head out of math

- I’m tired, I should probably go to bed