Wk 9- Art Activity- Student Choice pt 2.

Juan Hernandez
Oct 26, 2020


  1. The original vision was to create a drawing that was tropical, basically a beach.
  2. I definitely thought I was going to draw better but that was never going to happen but I think I still got the point across.
  3. I think the project was a success because I still had a fun time drawing it even if it didn’t live up to my original idea.
  4. The project was definitely weaker because it took me a really long time to think of what I wanted to do and I was also studying a lot for my math test so I didn’t make it my priority.
  5. I was trying to make a drawing that would be visually appealing and I think it sort of is because of all the colors but the other parts of the drawing weren’t as good as I hoped. The main thing that I was trying to get across in this drawing was more calming moods and trying to release stress.
  6. I wish I would have spent more time on this project and that I would have thought of something better.

